In the work “Burgbergstrasse” Wolfram Hahn deals with the history of the buildings and inhabitants of Burgbergstrasse in Crailsheim. The road passes through a former air base built for the Wehrmacht in 1936. Since then, the area has been used for various military and civilian purposes: the US Armed Forces built barracks, which served as their base until 1994, and the German Federal Armed Forces set up an equipment depot. Shortly after the war, a camp for displaced persons was set up and there is still refugee accommodation and affordable housing for people in need to this day.
Created between 2017—19, Wolfram Hahn's series points to the continuities of these uses by combining his own photographs with other people’s private images from family albums and archives, as well as historical material such as maps and newspaper articles.
Vexer Verlag Berlin, 2022
Vexer Verlag Berlin, 2022
Folkwang Museum UG, Essen 2019
Stadtmuseum Crailsheim, 2019
Burgbergstrasse Crailsheim (with David Grigoryan), 2023
Burgbergstrasse Crailsheim (with David Grigoryan), 2023
Burgbergstrasse Crailsheim (with David Grigoryan), 2023
• Kathleen Günther: „Deutsche Geschichte komprimiert auf einer Straße“. In: Radio StHörfunk, 5 Sep. 2023.
• Ralf Snurawa: Für ein Friedliches Miteinander. In: Hohenloher Tagblatt, Sept. 2023.
• Jörg Colberg: Burgbergstrasse. In: Conscientious Photography Magazine, 23 Jan. 2023.
• Ralf Snurawa: Menschen am Ort ständiger Veränderung. In: Hohenloher Tagblatt, 8 Jul. 2022.
• Doris Akrap: Heimat auf Zeit. In: taz am wochenende, 15 Feb. 2020.
• Ralf Snurawa: Den Rand in den Fokus gerückt. In: Südwest Presse, 3 Jun. 2019.